Driving Knowledge for Auto-ISAC

On May 4th - 5th, 2022, Digital Silence’s Justin Montalbano, Victor Teissler, and Ryan Jones in Detroit, MI attended Automotive ISAC (Information Sharing Analytics Center) organization to provide professional training as part of their Automotive Cybersecurity Training (ACT) program. The training focused on highlighting the vulnerabilities within current Wi-Fi standards, as well as utilizing Software Defined Radio and GPS technology for spoofing; when someone or something pretends to be something else in an attempt to gain a target’s confidence.
Auto-ISAC was formed in August 2015 by automakers to establish a global information-sharing community to address vehicle cybersecurity risks. Auto-ISAC operates a central hub for sharing, tracking, and analyzing intelligence about cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents related to the connected vehicle.
Currently, Auto-ISAC members account for more than 99 percent of light-duty vehicles in North America, with over 65 global OEM (original equipment manufacturer) and supplier Members. Building upon the success of this collaboration, Auto-ISAC recently expanded membership to heavy trucking OEMs and their suppliers, as well as the commercial vehicle sector—including fleets and carriers.
At Digital Silence, we pride ourselves not only on being practitioners in the sectors we serve but as industry leaders as well. Participating in Auto-ISAC was a great opportunity that allowed us to provide relevant insights to the automotive industry. One attendee shared that the “Digital Silence folks were exceptionally knowledgeable and good instructors. A rare combination.” We strive to deliver pertinent, actionable information during training sessions. As technology professionals we appreciate each opportunity to share our knowledge and passion for cybersecurity.